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广州花城广场怎么坐车去 2024-05-19 15:17:42
福州哪里有卖养生木桶 2024-05-19 15:09:47


发布时间: 2023-03-30 12:36:35

① 北京和上海哪个大(英语)翻译我的问题补充!最好多翻译点,快点的话有重赏!

Beijing is much bigger,it has 16,410.54 square meters,while shanghai only has 6340.5 square meters.The population of shanghai is larger because of the developed economic.The population in shanghai is 1,921.32,while beijing has 1,755 regular residence.In GDP, Shanghai is 16872.42 billion yuan (2010), while Beijing is 13777.9 billion yuan (2010), In terms of political and cultural, Beijing,as the capital of China, the culture is richer.Moreover,there're a lot of top schools in Beijing,which is evible to us.

② 北京的人口比天津的人口多很多 用英语怎么说

The population of Beijing is much larger than that of Tianjin.

③ 北京是中国最大的城市之一英语

北京是中国最大的城肆野市之一,英语翻译为Beijing is one of the largest cities in China,相关英语介绍如下:

1、beijing:. 我们对北京的居住条件作了一次调查。AfterseveralvisitstoBeijing,shehadlearnedalittleChinese. 数次访问北京后,她学会了一点汉语。

3、city:? 怎么会裂毕喊有人喜欢都市生活的压力数拦呢?. 报告生动地描绘了都市生活。

4、china:. 我们把所有玻璃器皿和瓷器都放在这个橱里。. 瓷器陈列在玻璃柜里。

④ 北京英语怎么说呢


As the capital of the People'握亏s Republic of China, Beijing is located in northern China, close to Tianjin Municipality and partially surrounded by Hebei Province.


The city covers an area of more than 16,410 square kilometers (6336 square miles) and has a population of 14.93 million people.


Beijing is a city with four distinct seasons. Its best is late spring and autumn.


But autumn is taken as the golden tourist season of the year since there is sometimes in the spring of recent years, a yellow wind. We suggest tourists visit Beijing ring the months of May, September, and October when people can enjoy bright sunshine and blue skies.


An abundance of international class performances are presented in May. If you like winter, you will have other chances to appreciate another landscape of Beijing. After skiing in Beihai and viewing the snowy sights on West Hill, enjoying the steaming hotpot is the best choice, which is really the fun of tour in Beijing.


Please keep warm and remember to bring your down garments and sweaters when you visit Beijing in the winter.


How can one city boast so many phenomenal places? Beijing's long and illustrious history started some 500,000 years ago.


It is here that the ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, Peking men, lived in caves.


Records show that Beijing has been an inhabited city for more than three thousand years and has enred invasions by warlords and foreign powers, devastating fires, the rise and fall of powerful imperial dynasties and has emerged each time as a strong and vibrant city.


For more than 800 years, Beijing was a capital city - from the Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368) to the Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) dynasties.


Thirty-four emperors have lived and ruled the nation in Beijing and it has been an important trading city from its earliest days.


⑤ 北京是中国最大的城市之一用英语怎么说

答案是:Beijing is a big in Cna 。哦 顺便提一下 我现在学的ABC天卞口语的外教说过,事实上要学好英语是轻松的 一定要有一个好的学习空间跟练习口语对象 这取决于外教资质 欧美人士比东南亚好很多,口语标准才行 持续经常口语学习 1&1家教式辅导才能够有最.好.的学习成效..完成课堂后还要重复复习课堂录音档,好巩固知识点。如果真的没有练习对象,就上旺旺或大耳朵取得课外学习资料研习,多说多问迅速的口语就加强起来,学习效益会非常迅速明显的;

? ?手工翻译?尊重劳动?欢迎提问?感谢采纳? ?。

⑥ beijing is bigger than 天津是什么意思


⑦ 北京的人口比天津的人口多很多 用英语怎么说

The population of BeiJing is much more than TianJing’s。

⑧ 初中英语翻译:1、北京比中国其他城市都大。2、北京比新加坡其他城市都大。(求全!!谢谢)


1. Beijing is larger/bigger than any other city in China.
Beijing is larger/蚂虚bigger than the other cities in China.
Beijing is larger/bigger than any of the other cities in China.
Beijing is bigger/larger than all other cities in China.

2. Beijing is bigger/larger than any city in Singapore.
Beijing is bigger/larger than all the cities in Singapore.

⑨ 请英语高手:全国大城市的英文翻译,如北京PEKING

一般大城市都按拼音直接写就可以了! SHANGHAI ......只是发音有些不同.
北京: 原有英文名为 Peking。北京大学英文原称 Peking
University, CCP立国后将其改为 Beijing University,
但台湾的北大校友坚持原称, 于是两岸校友对骂时, 大陆称台
湾的屁大, 台湾说大陆的逼大...

上海: 英文名称即 Shanghai, 与普通话拼音完全相同。
在英语辞典中, Shanghai 还有绑架等意思, 反映了当时大

广州: 英文名为 Canton。广州由于其在中国外贸史上的重
要地位, 大约于清代就为外国商人所熟悉。在美国也有几个城市
是叫做 Canton 的, 据说因为当年人们相信从那里贯穿地球
常重要, 影响力非常大。当时广东与广西是被政府合为一个行
政单位来管理的, 所以设两广总督。两广的省府就是广州( 被
称为 "省城" ), 正规官方语言是广府话( 即广州话, 又称粤
语 ), 英文作 Cantonese 。广府话对周边地区的影响一直
很大: 广西的白话与之极其相似, 广东的佛山、番禺...还有
邻近的澳门( Macau )、香港( HongKong )等地居民也是以
广府话作为母语的。国民党统治时期, 广州是华南地区的经济、
文化、军事重地, 地位非常高, 与省平级。